Blackbushe to Sandown

May 22, 2023

It was an early start, but thankful for the hospitality Cath had given them, Paddy and Lucky wanted to give back, so jumped straight to work cooking a fry up for everyone before the day's adventures.

The first trip of the day was from Blackbushe to Sandown, on the Isle of Wight to meet its charismatic owner, Dan, and his assistant, Sid (the Skeleton). Here, the red carpet was well and truly rolled out for the VIBs, with Dan giving them the full ‘Sandown’ treatment for the duration of their stay! On this leg of the trip they were flown in a Jabiru 430 by Cameron Spence, while their human helper was Mairéad Quinn.

Departing Sandown, they took a scenic tour of the island, passing the famous Needles cliffs. Routing back North, they passed over Portsmouth and saw an aircraft carrier alongside. The circuit was busy at Popham, with all paws looking outside for other traffic.
